Sledhundsäventyr i Jämtland

Upplev naturen med våra energiska alaskan huskys.

Unika turer genom Ragundas vackra skogar.

Boende för 1-4 personer, barn välkomna.

Möjlighet att se vilt som älgar och renar.

A person is engaged in dog sledding through a snowy forest path, surrounded by tall trees laden with snow. Several huskies are seen pulling the sled, their fur ruffled as they move energetically through the snow-covered trail.
A person is engaged in dog sledding through a snowy forest path, surrounded by tall trees laden with snow. Several huskies are seen pulling the sled, their fur ruffled as they move energetically through the snow-covered trail.
A group of sled dogs are resting on a snowy terrain. The dogs, mostly huskies, are lying close together, connected by harnesses and ropes. The snow surrounding them is bright and undisturbed, with some faint paw prints visible.
A group of sled dogs are resting on a snowy terrain. The dogs, mostly huskies, are lying close together, connected by harnesses and ropes. The snow surrounding them is bright and undisturbed, with some faint paw prints visible.
A team of sled dogs is running through a snowy landscape. They are harnessed together, pulling a sled over a path blanketed with snow. Sparse, leafless trees line the sides of the trail, and the sky is overcast.
A team of sled dogs is running through a snowy landscape. They are harnessed together, pulling a sled over a path blanketed with snow. Sparse, leafless trees line the sides of the trail, and the sky is overcast.

Välkommen till Ajax Huskys

Vi erbjuder unika hundspannsturer i Jämtlands vackra natur med våra energiska alaskan huskys. Kom och upplev äventyret med oss!



Godkänd kennel


Tjänster för dig

Vi erbjuder unika upplevelser med våra energiska alaskan huskys i vacker natur i Ragunda.


Upplev spännande sleddog-turer genom skogar med våra alaskan huskys. Perfekt för hela familjen.


Vi kan ta emot 1-4 personer för en oförglömlig upplevelse med våra hundar och natur.

Barn måste vara 4 år eller äldre för att delta i våra aktiviteter med hundarna.

Regler att följa


Upplev våra underbara alaskan huskys och vackra omgivningar.

I had an amazing experience riding 14 km on sledge. Later on we got special Kolbular prepared by Björn at his Stuga accompined by an amazing lake. Highly recommended.
